A small lichen-encrusted tree fell in the storms, and fragments of its branches are being gradually distributed along the path. Today the light really caught this piece.
I have always spent the holidays with family in landlocked Northamptonshire so this is the first year I have walked on a beach and seen the sea on Christmas Day.
Needed to lift my mood today so spent time in my garden photographing the birds. A grey wet day, not really right for photography, but it was so peaceful.
Bilbo wanted a drive and I needed a walk to relieve the tedium after a rain soaked morning so we headed the few miles to this wonderful beach. Job done.
A happy memory of Christmas Past which always brightens my Christmas morning as it did today - a nativity scene knitted by my late Mum back in the 80s.
A view from my garden across the valley between Elsecar and Wentworth in South Yorkshire. The domed structure is the ‘Hooberstand’ one of several follies in the area.